Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Obama is expected to issue a privacy policy

In the USA Today, 2/12/2013, there is an interesting article concerning the President weighing in on the discussion concerning cyber-security. http://www.usatoday.com/story/tech/2013/02/11/obama-cybersecurity-executive-order/1911159/ .

This article infers that the President may discuss cyber-security during the State of the Union address. The article further discusses the what is to be expected in the order. The purpose of the order is to set up an infrastructure cyber-security council. This council would be apart of the Homeland Security Council. It would be made up of/staffed by members of the departments of defense, justice and commerce, and national intelligence.
The idea behind the infrastructure would monitor information sharing between government and private companies:

"Information sharing between the government and private companies needs to increase, to improve the cybersecurity ecosystem overall" says Mary Ellen Callahan, chair of privacy and information governance at law firm Jenner Block. "The information sharing element will be voluntary, but hopefully encourage more private sector-government communications on these very real threats."

Gant Redmon, general counsel at Co3 Systems, says he expects Obama to "highlight the benefits for industry in terms of threat intelligence to be made available to domestic targets.

Even so, many in private industry are concerned about the devil in the details. Jody Westby, CEO of consultancy Global Cyber Risk, says wider sharing of intelligence about what criminals and spies are doing is a good thing. But Westby worries that NIST, in particular, could develop an unwieldy framework of mandatory standards for critical infrastructure companies.

The critics of President, like Westby, believe that he is overreaching and encroaching upon the powers and duties of Congress. I wonder if you can make the argument that he is not actually enacting/creating laws, but rather he is simply trying to enforce the law more efficiently. Another problem that arises is the funding question.

Here are some concerns/questions I would like to hear debate about.
Is the responsibility of the government to provide cyber-security?
If yes, has the President overstepped his authority?
If yes, does it matter that the government has not acted? 
How will the government find more money to fund this order? 

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